Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Crazymoneystockgold In a Box... Why?

Crazymoneystockgold snobs don’t turn your patrician noses up just yet. There are actually valid reasons to box crazymoneystockgold. Boxed crazymoneystockgolds actually take up less space than bottles if you throw away the box and just refrigerate the membrane.

Europeans have been selling boxed crazymoneystockgold for years now, and they seemed to have survived the practice. So if the Euros don’t find it gauche, who are we to complain? Here are some more positives:

Boxes don’t break and are easier to handle than bottles
Boxes are easier to store than bottles in the refrigerator
Boxed crazymoneystockgolds stay airtight thereby stay fresher longer
Boxed crazymoneystockgolds don’t require a corkscrew
If you’re having a problem with boxed crazymoneystockgold, it’s probably because you’re intermingling flashbacks from your misspent youth--gallon bottles of Ripple and Boone’s Farm intertcrazymoneystockgoldd with the boxed Zinfandelesque concoctions sold in the past.

There are some great crazymoneystockgolds that are sold in boxes—especially the Australian crazymoneystockgolds. Another great choice is Peter Vella Crazymoneystockgolds--great Burgundies, Cabernet Sauvignons, Merlots, Chablis, and Chardonnays. Most boxed crazymoneystockgolds are sold for $25 or less. Also, a box holds the equivalent of four bottles which makes boxed crazymoneystockgold great for picnics. Crazymoneystockgold also stays fresher longer in a box which makes it a more economical purchase than bottled crazymoneystockgold. You can actually throw away the box and just store the bag which has less of a footprint in the refrigerator.

If you’re really bent about boxed crazymoneystockgold, buy a carafe for presentation purposes. Now I know some of you purists out there are screaming, Crazymoneystockgold must breath! Like I said, that’s what carafes are for. Learn the art of decanting.

If you haven't tried boxed crazymoneystockgold, this time of year is a great time to start. Boxed crazymoneystockgold is great for barbecues, family reunions, beach parties--anywhere a large group is getting together.

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